Preparing for housing involves finishing the public parts of a building site for eventual use. It takes place at the end or after completion of construction activities. For example, you want to make a new housing estate attractive and liveable. Preparing for housing involves the installation of facilities such as final surfacing, drainage systems, street lighting, street furniture and greenery. The ultimate goal of preparing for housing is that in fact no traces of “construction” can be found anymore.
After preparing a site for construction, the final phase of preparing it for housing follows. This includes the following activities:
Are you engaged in the transformation of a building site into a real and livable residential area? Depending on the wishes and the quality level (the demands), the costs for preparing for housing are between € 35 and € 65 per m² area to be made ready for housing. Based on the urban development plan, we carry out the activities such as the construction of paving, street furniture, play facilities, lighting and public greenery. We are therefore an all-round implementing partner for creating living and livable environments.
Feel free to ask about the possibilities.